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Friedel Craft’s Acylation and Alkilation – Using Lewis Acid catalyst and

  • Solid supported catalyst (Effluent free process)


  • Aromatic Sulphonations
  • Sul phonations of naphthalene


  • Cycloadditions of Cyclopentadiene with suitable dienophiles
  • Glutaraldehyde to bicyclol to azabicyclo compounds

Molecular Rearrangements

  • Ariel ketones to ariel phenyl acetic acids
  • Amides to amines
  • Ketone to amides


  • Aromatic Sidechain bromination and chlorination
  • Addition of halogens to olefins
  • Halex reactions (Fluorinations)


  • Nitration’s using Flow reactions
  • Aromatic Nitration’s
  • Nitration of naphthalene

Hydrogenation – R&D, Pilot and Commercial (Using Ni, Pd, Ru,Rh,Pto2)

  • Nitro to amino,
  • Nitrile to Primary Amines
  • Aldehyde to Alcohol
  • Olefins Saturation
  • Aromatic saturation
  • Chiral catalysts for Asymmetric Amines (Chiral Catalysis)

Chemical Reductions

  • Using Sodium Boro Hydride & vitride
  • Hydrazine hydrate and Nickle
  • Wolff Kishner Reduction
  • Clemenson Reduction
  • Using Sodium Sulfhydrate

Oxidations (Chemical)

  • Aromatic Hydrocarbons to Carboxylic acid
  • Ketones to Carboxylic acid
  • Sulfides to Sulfoxides
  • Sulfides to sulphones
  • Pyridine derivatives to pyridine oxide
  • olefins to diols